Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's for lunch Wednesday's

I guess I will start trying to post on Wednesday's and I will put the pictures of the last few bentos I have done, since I can't seem to post daily! I only have a couple since I last posted as Sassy didn't have school last Thursday and Friday.

Fruit kebabs (cantaloupe, strawberry, pineapple), acorn shape turkey sandwiches, pita chips, a few grape tomatos

This sandwich is made with some new strawberry spread I found- Its by the nutella and made by the same people-
Butterfly and cupcake strawberry cream sami, strawberries and chocolate chips because its her birthday week!, pretzel thins, carrots and ranch and a cheese stick

Bonus- Hubby also gets lunch!
turkey cheese and lettuce wrap with ranch, cantaloupe, tomatoes, chili cheese fritos and cheetos baby Sassypants will turn 5 tomorrow!! I cannot believe its already been 5 years since we welcomed her into our lives. I am so excited to have her party on Saturday- its Alice in Wonderland!! Tomorrow after school she gets to have a friend come with us after school and we will eat at Chik fil A and then go have frozen yogurt- its a build your own sundae place that just opened up, its amazing.
We recently got our family pics that we took at Sears so here are a few recent pics of the fam.



I am linking this to What's for Lunch Wednesday's - use the button on the side to check out other amazing lunches.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I cannot beleive its been over a week since I posted something- My husband has been out of town at a school and so its just me and the girls and that can get kinda hectic. Thank goodness he comes home this Saturday.
Just to update I will put some pics of the last few bentos I have sent with Sassypants and I am going to try and get in on the Whats for Lunch Wednesdays - there is a button on the side you can click to link to the page and see all of the other wonderful lunches!
 honey wheat thin sticks, dried cherries and blueberries, turkey and cheese on a stick and some carrots with ranch in the blue container- This is one of my authentic Japanese bento boxes!!
This lunch was specifically asked for- I was even quizzed to make sure I remembered-
Blueberry Shortcake sandwich (this is what we have named cream cheese/jelly sandwiches) carrots with ranch in the red container, fruit salad with some surprise cherries, a "bag" of potato chips- I was forbidden to take them out of the bag, and for a special surprise treat there are some m&ms in some cling wrap hidden under the carrot cup 
Acorn shape cream cheese and blueberry jam sandwiches, "trail mix" of freeze dried apples, raisins and choc covered cinnamon toast crunch, smiley cornbread crackers, carrots with ranch

turkey and cheese triangle sandwiches, bell pepper flowers, blk olives and mini pickles on a flamingo pick, apple chunks with a cherry cream cheese dip

This is an early Veterans Day lunch since Sassypants doesn't have school tommorrow - This one is dedicated to Daddy!
Strawberry jelly/cream cheese sandwich, pita chips, tomatoes, celery with dill dip, and she had a simply fruit-fruit roll up too