Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's for lunch Wednesday's

I guess I will start trying to post on Wednesday's and I will put the pictures of the last few bentos I have done, since I can't seem to post daily! I only have a couple since I last posted as Sassy didn't have school last Thursday and Friday.

Fruit kebabs (cantaloupe, strawberry, pineapple), acorn shape turkey sandwiches, pita chips, a few grape tomatos

This sandwich is made with some new strawberry spread I found- Its by the nutella and made by the same people-
Butterfly and cupcake strawberry cream sami, strawberries and chocolate chips because its her birthday week!, pretzel thins, carrots and ranch and a cheese stick

Bonus- Hubby also gets lunch!
turkey cheese and lettuce wrap with ranch, cantaloupe, tomatoes, chili cheese fritos and cheetos baby Sassypants will turn 5 tomorrow!! I cannot believe its already been 5 years since we welcomed her into our lives. I am so excited to have her party on Saturday- its Alice in Wonderland!! Tomorrow after school she gets to have a friend come with us after school and we will eat at Chik fil A and then go have frozen yogurt- its a build your own sundae place that just opened up, its amazing.
We recently got our family pics that we took at Sears so here are a few recent pics of the fam.



I am linking this to What's for Lunch Wednesday's - use the button on the side to check out other amazing lunches.


  1. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by closetfloorfinds and leaving such an encouraging comment! :) Your lunches are A-Mazing! How do you find the time? My sister has a 5 y.o. and a 2 y.o and she's lucky to have time to wash her hair. So impressive!
